AM/FM: Amiga Musicians' Freeware Magazine 19
AM-FM 19.adf
Text File
307 lines
Mods to tape? A nightmare to say the least. We`ve all put our
tunes onto cassette at some time or other, wether it`s to impress
mum and dad, or merely for our own personal (portable) listening.
Thing is, and let`s face it, the sound quality is nearly always
BOBBINS. Unfortunately, without some expensive extra hardware,
the Amiga simply cannot put onto tape the sounds which we hear
through the speakers.
Why, .. Dunno, and anyway, I`m not here to give you techy advice,
instead, I`m bringing you news of a superb offer from those ever
so nice chaps at `Technical Dimensions`. An offer which can not
only give you superb sounding cassette based mods, but can even
enable you to get your stuff onto a CD !!!! That`s right, your
own personal compact disk. Imagine the `pose factor` in that!!!
Of course it all comes at a price, BUT, it`s probably a lot more
affordable than you think.
I myself have sampled the service offered by `TD` and will state
my opinions at the end of this piece. Meanwhile, reproduced below,
and in its` entirity, is the actual information pack sent out to
interested musicians. We`re giving TD some free advertising for
two reasons. 1) This service is UNIQUE. and 2) TD as a studio,
continues to offer help and services to you, our reader, the Amiga
32 Midway, Walker,
Newcastle upon Tyne,
Tel. 091 263 7971
Dear Musician,
Please find enclosed a fact pack on the `Platinum Club` laying
out the benefits for members.
Technical Dimensions is the record company/audio recording studio
which brought you `The Amiga Experiment` compilation album
featuring some of the best Amiga musicians in Europe, so you can
rest assured that if this company is recording your music, the
master tapes will be of the highest quality.
With over 12 years of sound recording experience, we know how to
give your music that special touch, whether you use midi instrum-
ents or just write modules using Octamed or Protracker, we can do
the job that you are looking for.
The best part of the club is that you do not even have to travel
to Newcastle upon Tyne. If your music is stored on floppy as a
module just pop it in a `jiffy` bag and post it to us and we will
sort it out for you!
If you would like to compare prices with another recording studio
then be prepared for a shock! Let`s say you required 4 modules
professionally mastered to digital audio tape, if you are a
platinum club member, your first two `dat` masters are free, up
to 90 minutes worth. But even after you have taken up your special
offers it would cost you only #16.00 including postage and a free
cassette copy of the DAT master. In another studio this would cost
you about #100.00 just for the 4 modules and a DAT, not to mention
the cost of your 2 previous jobs, which of course you get free!
If you do decide to join this exclusive club, then please send a
cheque or postal order for the required amount to the address
above (see Platinum Club price list supplied).
So enjoy reading the supplied literature and I look forward to
hearing from you soon, remember delay may mean missing out!
Kind regards,
John Atkinson
Dear Musician,
Thank you for your interest in the `Platinum Club`. If you are
successful in gaining membership, below is a list of benefits
on offer.
1) Each member will receive either 2 dat masters with cassette
copies or a one off compact disc of their music. This offer can
br taken at any time during their membership.
2) After the member has taken their free offers, they will
receive half price recording sessions as opposed to the full
price which non members pay. Once you have had your `freebies`
you are under no obligation to have any more work done. If you
can only spare your membership costs - no problem!
3) Members` recording sessions will receive priority over non
4) You will be invited to take part in free competitions for
top prizes such as portastudios, effects processors etc.
(With only 200 members you will you will have a 200-1 chance
in winning, which are better odds than you would get in an
average prize draw!!!!!)
5) You will receive a quarterly news letter, inclusive of a
cassette or other members` work and possibly your own.
6) Just prior to your membership expiring you will receive a
reminder asking if you wish to renew it, giving you the option
over non members.
7) Members only are invited to attend their recording sessions
at Technical Dimensions, and to even have a go themselves if
they so wish!...Members will be responsible for their travel
arrangements and costs.
8) If you only write modules onto 3.5 inch floppy, no problem,
pop it in the post and we will deal with it. After all, that is
what this whole scheme is about, you sit at home and let us do
all the work for you.
If you are interested in becoming a member, then complete the
enclosed application form as soon as possible. As stated earlier,
the Platinum Club will be restricted to 200 members, so to delay
may mean disappointment.
Kind regards,
John Atkinson (Technical Dimensions)
Soundcraft spirit 20-4-2
Soundcraft spirit 12-2RM
Tascam DA88 (8 track digital recorder)
Tascam DA30 Pro dat recorder
Aiwa HD-S100 Pro dat recorder
JVC TD-W700 Stereo cassette deck
Digitech DSP128+ Stereo multi effects processor
Art FXR Stereo effects processor
Art FXR Elite Stereo multi effects processor
BBE 362 Sonic maximiser
Behringer EX3000 Ultrafex Exciter
Aphex C2 Big Bottom Exciter
Technics SH-E65 Graphic Equaliser/Spectrum analyser
Commodore Amiga A500+ including 2mb ram, external floppy drive,
microdeal midi interface, Stereomaster sample cartridge.
Octamed ProV5.01, Music X V1.3, Bars & Pipes Pro V2.00,
Pro/Noise/Sound Tracker, Audiomaster II.
Alesis SR-16 Stereo digital drum module
Roland JD800 synth
Akai S1100 sampler 2mb.
Shure BG2.0 (X2)
Infinity RS2001 near side monitors (control room)
Solavox TC80 foldback monitors (Studio)
********** Specification may change without notice ************
United Kingdom #50.00
Europe #60.00
World #70.00
To master 1 module (min. order 4 modules) #2.00
Cassette (max. rec. time 90 mins.) #2.00
DAT (max. rec. time 90 mins.) #8.00
One off compact disc (max. rec. time 60 mins.) #28.00
Studio hire for members (per hour) #7.50
(Studio hire includes as much tea and coffee as you can drink)
Postage and Packing F R E E
To master 1 module (min. order 4 modules) #4.00
Cassette (max. rec. time 90 mins.) #2.00
DAT (max. rec. time 90 mins.) #10.00
One off compact disc (max rec. time 60 mins.) #30.00
Studio hire (per hour) #10.00
(Stuido hire includes as much tea and coffee as you can drink)
Postage and packing United Kingdom #1.50
" " #2.50
" " World #4.00
Cost of DAT master for members includes cassette copy of DAT
So, there you have it. If you are interested in joining the club,
then simply write or ring TD and request an application form.
Something that wasn`t mentioned in the `bumph` was that TD are
willing to send you an example of the quality which you can expect.
To attain this, simply send a cassette tape, SAE and first class
stamp to the TD address, or, at a price, TD will also SUPPLY a tape
complete with mod. Again, just call or write!
As mentioned previously, I myself have had a few of my own mods
`done` by TD. Believe me, the quality is absolutely superb.
The whole process involves far more than simply dumping the mod
onto tape. What actually happens is that TD treat all your
instruments INDIVIDUALLY. Adding reverb,chorus, whatever, then,
after tweaking with EQ, they are put back into the mod, and fed
through a mixer, giving them a pre - tape boost.
A tip I would proffer is that if you have any preconceived ideas
as to how your mod should sound, ( which samples need reverb etc)
then jot it all down and send along with the disk. Otherwise, the
guys at TD will simply `do their best`. From my own experience
though, `their best` is most certainly good enough!
A final opinion? Don`t delay, JOIN TODAY. with the value being
offered by TD, and remember this is being touted WORLDWIDE, I`m
sure that places in the Platinum club will be at a PREMIUM.
If you can`t really afford to join the club, then it is certainly
worth having a few of your mods mastered, then you can REALLY
impress yer Mam and dad!
Raven. 12/7/94.