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- Mods to tape? A nightmare to say the least. We`ve all put our
- tunes onto cassette at some time or other, wether it`s to impress
- mum and dad, or merely for our own personal (portable) listening.
- Thing is, and let`s face it, the sound quality is nearly always
- BOBBINS. Unfortunately, without some expensive extra hardware,
- the Amiga simply cannot put onto tape the sounds which we hear
- through the speakers.
- Why, .. Dunno, and anyway, I`m not here to give you techy advice,
- instead, I`m bringing you news of a superb offer from those ever
- so nice chaps at `Technical Dimensions`. An offer which can not
- only give you superb sounding cassette based mods, but can even
- enable you to get your stuff onto a CD !!!! That`s right, your
- own personal compact disk. Imagine the `pose factor` in that!!!
- Of course it all comes at a price, BUT, it`s probably a lot more
- affordable than you think.
- I myself have sampled the service offered by `TD` and will state
- my opinions at the end of this piece. Meanwhile, reproduced below,
- and in its` entirity, is the actual information pack sent out to
- interested musicians. We`re giving TD some free advertising for
- two reasons. 1) This service is UNIQUE. and 2) TD as a studio,
- continues to offer help and services to you, our reader, the Amiga
- musician.
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 32 Midway, Walker,
- Newcastle upon Tyne,
- NE6 3PA
- Tel. 091 263 7971
- Dear Musician,
- Please find enclosed a fact pack on the `Platinum Club` laying
- out the benefits for members.
- Technical Dimensions is the record company/audio recording studio
- which brought you `The Amiga Experiment` compilation album
- featuring some of the best Amiga musicians in Europe, so you can
- rest assured that if this company is recording your music, the
- master tapes will be of the highest quality.
- With over 12 years of sound recording experience, we know how to
- give your music that special touch, whether you use midi instrum-
- ents or just write modules using Octamed or Protracker, we can do
- the job that you are looking for.
- The best part of the club is that you do not even have to travel
- to Newcastle upon Tyne. If your music is stored on floppy as a
- module just pop it in a `jiffy` bag and post it to us and we will
- sort it out for you!
- If you would like to compare prices with another recording studio
- then be prepared for a shock! Let`s say you required 4 modules
- professionally mastered to digital audio tape, if you are a
- platinum club member, your first two `dat` masters are free, up
- to 90 minutes worth. But even after you have taken up your special
- offers it would cost you only #16.00 including postage and a free
- cassette copy of the DAT master. In another studio this would cost
- you about #100.00 just for the 4 modules and a DAT, not to mention
- the cost of your 2 previous jobs, which of course you get free!
- If you do decide to join this exclusive club, then please send a
- cheque or postal order for the required amount to the address
- above (see Platinum Club price list supplied).
- So enjoy reading the supplied literature and I look forward to
- hearing from you soon, remember delay may mean missing out!
- Kind regards,
- John Atkinson
- Dear Musician,
- Thank you for your interest in the `Platinum Club`. If you are
- successful in gaining membership, below is a list of benefits
- on offer.
- 1) Each member will receive either 2 dat masters with cassette
- copies or a one off compact disc of their music. This offer can
- br taken at any time during their membership.
- 2) After the member has taken their free offers, they will
- receive half price recording sessions as opposed to the full
- price which non members pay. Once you have had your `freebies`
- you are under no obligation to have any more work done. If you
- can only spare your membership costs - no problem!
- 3) Members` recording sessions will receive priority over non
- members.
- 4) You will be invited to take part in free competitions for
- top prizes such as portastudios, effects processors etc.
- (With only 200 members you will you will have a 200-1 chance
- in winning, which are better odds than you would get in an
- average prize draw!!!!!)
- 5) You will receive a quarterly news letter, inclusive of a
- cassette or other members` work and possibly your own.
- 6) Just prior to your membership expiring you will receive a
- reminder asking if you wish to renew it, giving you the option
- over non members.
- 7) Members only are invited to attend their recording sessions
- at Technical Dimensions, and to even have a go themselves if
- they so wish!...Members will be responsible for their travel
- arrangements and costs.
- 8) If you only write modules onto 3.5 inch floppy, no problem,
- pop it in the post and we will deal with it. After all, that is
- what this whole scheme is about, you sit at home and let us do
- all the work for you.
- If you are interested in becoming a member, then complete the
- enclosed application form as soon as possible. As stated earlier,
- the Platinum Club will be restricted to 200 members, so to delay
- may mean disappointment.
- Kind regards,
- John Atkinson (Technical Dimensions)
- Soundcraft spirit 20-4-2
- Soundcraft spirit 12-2RM
- Tascam DA88 (8 track digital recorder)
- Tascam DA30 Pro dat recorder
- Aiwa HD-S100 Pro dat recorder
- JVC TD-W700 Stereo cassette deck
- Digitech DSP128+ Stereo multi effects processor
- Art FXR Stereo effects processor
- Art FXR Elite Stereo multi effects processor
- BBE 362 Sonic maximiser
- Behringer EX3000 Ultrafex Exciter
- Aphex C2 Big Bottom Exciter
- Technics SH-E65 Graphic Equaliser/Spectrum analyser
- Commodore Amiga A500+ including 2mb ram, external floppy drive,
- microdeal midi interface, Stereomaster sample cartridge.
- Octamed ProV5.01, Music X V1.3, Bars & Pipes Pro V2.00,
- Pro/Noise/Sound Tracker, Audiomaster II.
- Alesis SR-16 Stereo digital drum module
- Roland JD800 synth
- Akai S1100 sampler 2mb.
- Shure BG2.0 (X2)
- Infinity RS2001 near side monitors (control room)
- Solavox TC80 foldback monitors (Studio)
- ********** Specification may change without notice ************
- PLATINUM CLUB PRICE LIST: NOTE: # = English pounds.
- United Kingdom #50.00
- Europe #60.00
- World #70.00
- To master 1 module (min. order 4 modules) #2.00
- Cassette (max. rec. time 90 mins.) #2.00
- DAT (max. rec. time 90 mins.) #8.00
- One off compact disc (max. rec. time 60 mins.) #28.00
- Studio hire for members (per hour) #7.50
- (Studio hire includes as much tea and coffee as you can drink)
- Postage and Packing F R E E
- To master 1 module (min. order 4 modules) #4.00
- Cassette (max. rec. time 90 mins.) #2.00
- DAT (max. rec. time 90 mins.) #10.00
- One off compact disc (max rec. time 60 mins.) #30.00
- Studio hire (per hour) #10.00
- (Stuido hire includes as much tea and coffee as you can drink)
- Postage and packing United Kingdom #1.50
- " " #2.50
- " " World #4.00
- Cost of DAT master for members includes cassette copy of DAT
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- So, there you have it. If you are interested in joining the club,
- then simply write or ring TD and request an application form.
- Something that wasn`t mentioned in the `bumph` was that TD are
- willing to send you an example of the quality which you can expect.
- To attain this, simply send a cassette tape, SAE and first class
- stamp to the TD address, or, at a price, TD will also SUPPLY a tape
- complete with mod. Again, just call or write!
- As mentioned previously, I myself have had a few of my own mods
- `done` by TD. Believe me, the quality is absolutely superb.
- The whole process involves far more than simply dumping the mod
- onto tape. What actually happens is that TD treat all your
- instruments INDIVIDUALLY. Adding reverb,chorus, whatever, then,
- after tweaking with EQ, they are put back into the mod, and fed
- through a mixer, giving them a pre - tape boost.
- A tip I would proffer is that if you have any preconceived ideas
- as to how your mod should sound, ( which samples need reverb etc)
- then jot it all down and send along with the disk. Otherwise, the
- guys at TD will simply `do their best`. From my own experience
- though, `their best` is most certainly good enough!
- A final opinion? Don`t delay, JOIN TODAY. with the value being
- offered by TD, and remember this is being touted WORLDWIDE, I`m
- sure that places in the Platinum club will be at a PREMIUM.
- If you can`t really afford to join the club, then it is certainly
- worth having a few of your mods mastered, then you can REALLY
- impress yer Mam and dad!
- Raven. 12/7/94.